Public Works

View of Highway and Mountains


Alberta Transportation maintains primary and secondary highways and local roads in the Kananaskis Improvement District (KID) through private contractors. Each year, funding is identified in the KID budget for road maintenance and improvements. The KID coordinates this work with Alberta Transportation and reimburses Alberta Transportation for work completed.
Because most of KID lies within a mountainous region, motorists are advised to watch for wildlife and to check road conditions when traveling in the area. Road condition reports are available through the Alberta Motor Association and Travel Alberta.
To report any road-related problems, please contact Volker Stevin Contracting’s Highway Maintenance Division at 1-888-VS-ROADS (1-888-877-6237)

Canada Thistle

Weed Control Programs

All lands within the KID are inspected for restricted, noxious or nuisance weeds identified in the Weed Control Act. The KID advises land owners and leaseholders responsible for weed-affected land of required weed control measures.

Please visit Alberta Agriculture and Forestry for detailed information on restricted, noxious and nuisance weeds.