Be Prepared - Emergency Safety Tips

Be Prepared - Emergency Safety Tips

There are some simple steps that you can take to become better prepared for an emergency or disaster. Spend a few minutes today to learn about what you can do to become better prepared, and share the videos online and within our community.
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How does knowing your community help you become more prepared?

Knowing your neighbours makes it easier to ask for help when you need it most. Learn ways to safely connect with your community.

What is the difference between emergencies and disasters?

Emergencies and disasters have distinct qualities that make them different from each other. Do you know the difference?

How can you prepare to evacuate?

Authorities may evacuate your community if lives are at risk. Learn how to plan for an evacuation alert or evacuation order.

How can you ensure your pets are safe when an emergency occurs?

Pets are part of many families, and need to be included in all family emergency plans. Learn how you can ensure their safety in an emergency.

What goes inside your emergency kit?

Start building your emergency kit with these basic supplies. What else would you add to your kit?

Why should you have an emergency kit?

Unexpected situations can happen to any of us. Having an emergency kit is one step to being more prepared.

How can you prepare for an outage?

A power or water outage can create dangerous situations. Learn steps you can take to become better prepared.

How can you prepare for Extreme Cold?

Learn how to stay safe when the temperature drops below -40°C or wind chill makes it feel that cold.

How can you prepare for winter driving?

Cold, snow and ice can make winter driving dangerous. Learn how you can prepare for road conditions in the winter months.

How can you prepare for a wildfire?

Alberta's wildfire season runs from March 1 to October 31 every year. Find out how you can become better prepared.

How can you prepare for a flood?

Floods are a common hazard in Alberta, and are known to have devastating effects. Find out how you can become better prepared

How can you prepare for an emergency or disaster without spending a lot of money?

Being prepared doesn't have to be costly. Learn how you can prepare without spending a lot of money.

How can you be financially prepared for a disaster?

Emergencies and disasters can result in financial hardship and stress. Learn how to be better financially prepared for the unexpected.