Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

The Kananaskis Improvement District (KID) operates during times of emergency within the guidelines maintained in the Municipal Emergency Management Plan. In cooperation with Emergency Management Alberta, this plan identifies all levels of emergencies that may occur within the municipality, how emergency services will both manage those incidents, and deal with the emergency situation.

Each year, thousands of Canadian families face emergency situations that could change their lives forever. Don’t be caught off guard! We encourage community members to be prepared by developing family emergency preparedness plans, as suggested below.

Planning is Simple! 

1. Identify the risks
Prepare a list of the most common risks in your region and learn about the possible consequences of those risks. Then, walk around your house and identify dangers like heavy pictures hung loosely, toxic products, and so on. Take any necessary corrective steps to secure your possessions and your home.
2. Prepare your family emergency plan
Choose an out-of-area contact, someone each member of the family can call or e-mail in case of an emergency. This person can help family members stay in touch and get back together if they are separated. Be sure to pick someone who is far enough away so as not to be affected by the same situation.

Decide on temporary accommodation – such as a friend’s place or hotel – where you can stay for a few days in case you are evacuated. This may also be where you will meet if you are separated during a disaster. When choosing your shelter, remember that bridges may be out and roads may be blocked. (Don’t forget to plan for your pets: they are not always welcome in emergency shelters or hotels.)
3. Practice as a family at least once a year
An emergency can happen anytime, anywhere. Practice often helps people feel less disoriented and better organized in case of a disaster – even in the middle of the night or the middle of winter.

Click here to learn other ways to prepare for emergencies.