To participate at KID Council, please refer to the KID Procedural Policy: Public Participation at KID Council Meetings.
A list of all past and current agendas and approved minutes are publicly available on the KID website.
Public Gallery
At the end of every regular Council meeting, members of the public are invited to provide comments or ask questions related to agenda items of the current meeting. The Chair will request that any member of the public wishing to speak should stand, state their name, and direct their comment or question to Council. Individuals are given two minutes to address Council and Council may ask clarifying questions.
Public Delegations
Public delegations must be approved by the KID Administration on a first come first served basis, and in conjunction with the KID Procedural Order for appropriate delegations at a regular council meeting. KID Administration will contact public delegations to confirm date and time. Regular council meetings will have a maximum of two public delegations per regular council meeting, or as modified at the discretion of council, and therefore the date of appearance is subject to change.
Public delegations can appear before council in order to:
- make a presentation on a matter that is of broad interest and that falls within the jurisdiction of the KID
- enter a request for action
- register a complaint
- initiate interest or guidance to a solution for an item of public concern
- bring council up to date on a project, idea, or concept
- provide further information on an issue currently before the council for a decision
Requests to Appear before Council
Requests to appear as a public delegation are accepted by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) up until 4:30pm on the tenth complete day before the day on which the next council meeting is being held (i.e. 10 days prior). Any documents, presentations, etc., which are to be included in the council agenda package are also required 10 days prior to the meeting. Requests must be in writing and include the completed form in Appendix A of the KID Procedural Policy on Public Participation in Council Meetings.