
Council's Role

The Kananaskis Improvement District (KID) Council was established in 1996 to provide direct public representation over governance of the KID. Council is accountable to both residents and ratepayers of the KID and to the Minister of Alberta Forestry and Parks.

Council is responsible for helping the Minister make sure the Improvement District provides the services the constituents need and want. It provides input into policy making relating to programs and services in the KID and monitors these programs and services to ensure that administration delivers them in the best way possible.

KID Council is comprised of six individuals representing the Lower Kananaskis Lake Cabin Subdivision, non-commercial residents or ratepayers, large businesses (assessment value of $750,000 or more), small business (assessment value of less than $750,000) and two Alberta-Citizens-at-Large. KID Council is represented as follows:

  • Melanie Gnyp, Chair, Councillor Representing Lower Kananaskis Lake Cabin Subdivision
    • Email:
  • Vacant, Councillor Representing Small Business
  • Darren Robinson, Councillor Representing Large Business
    • Email:
  • Cody English - Councillor Representing Non-commercial Residents or Ratepayers
    • Email:
  • Kateri Cowley - Councillor Representing Alberta-Citizens-at-Large
    • Email:
  • Dave Rodney - Councillor Representing Alberta-Citizens-at-Large
    • Email:

Councillors can be contacted through the Kananaskis Improvement District Office:

Phone: (403) 591-7774.

Mail to: Kananaskis Improvement District, Box 70, Kananaskis, Alberta T0L 2H0

Email: The Municipal Administrator

KID Code of Conduct

KID Code of Conduct - KID Order No. 01-2018

As per Ministerial Order (MO) L:200/2017, the KID is required to establish a KID Order (MO L:489/93) that governs the conduct of councillors and is applied to all councillors equally. The Code of Conduct Order supports the KID’s values of respect, excellence, integrity, accountability, and collaboration. KID Council is accountable to GoA, stakeholders, as defined by the Minister, for the KID and is responsible for the assets entrusted to KID Council Members.


The Minister
The Kananaskis Improvement District is managed under a unique local governance model. Under this model, many of the decisions needed to run the KID have been delegated to Council by ministerial order. The Minister delegates authority to provincial employees or Council for specific purposes. Part 6 of the Municipal Government Act sets out the respective roles and responsibilities of the Council and administration. In the Improvement District, "the Minister" refers to the Minister of Alberta Forestry and Parks - the Minister of Municipal Affairs has delegated certain powers, duties and functions to the Minister of Alberta Forestry and Parks, pursuant to Section 589 of the Municipal Government Act. In the eyes of the law, the Minister can be more than one person for the purpose of getting things done. When a provincial employee or the Kananaskis Improvement District Council does something delegated to it by the Minister, the action is effectively done by the Minister.

Resolutions and ID Orders
Council can make decisions by passing a resolution or by passing an Improvement District Order. A Council resolution or an Improvement District Order can be made only when the Minister has delegated responsibility for a decision to Council. Where the Municipal Government Act requires something to be accomplished through "by-law” and the Kananaskis Improvement District Council has been delegated the responsibility to make decisions in this area, an Improvement District Order is used. Please see the KID Orders section in the reference library for full listings.
Ministerial Orders
For matters where the Minister is still responsible for making decisions, Council submits a recommending resolution to the Minister through the Chief Administrative Officer. The Minister strongly considers the recommendations of Council in such matters. Ministerial decisions are carried out through ministerial orders. Ministerial orders which apply to the KID are listed in the reference library.