Government Partners
The Kananaskis Improvement District (KID) relies on a network of partnerships with other government ministries to deliver our programs. KID’s principal government partners include the following organizations:
The Kananaskis Improvement District (KID) relies on a network of partnerships with other government ministries to deliver our programs. KID’s principal government partners include the following organizations:
The Kananaskis Improvement District (KID) establishes Committees, Boards and Commissions to carry out municipal duties and functions and manage the workload of delivering services within KID.
Sections 145 and 146 of Alberta’s Municipal Government Act empower Council to establish Council Committees to which it may delegate any of the powers given to it by the Minister. Temporary or ad hoc Committees examine specific issues, while Standing Committees may run from year to year dealing with ongoing issues such as finances or recreation. Council appoints the members of Standing Committees at its annual organizational meeting.
Boards and Commissions, on the other hand, are created by provincial legislation, rather than by Council, and are legally separate from the Council. Examples of Commissions are those that are established to provide regional services such as regional waste management and regional planning.
Kananaskis Country Interdepartmental Consultative Committee (KCICC)
KCICC oversees and coordinates land use within KID and interdepartmental activities and initiatives that impact Kananaskis Country. This role is set out in KCICC’s Terms of Reference, and the Committee’s authority resides in Ministerial Order 07/02 respecting the KID Land Use Order and Ministerial Order 08/02 which establishes KCICC. The KID is represented on the Kananaskis Country Interdepartmental Consultative Committee by the Chief Administrative Officer.
Kananaskis Subdivision Development Authority (SDA)
The SDA is responsible for receiving, processing and deciding on subdivision and development applications.
Subdivision Development and Appeal Board (SDAB)
Appeals from decisions of the SDA are heard by the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (consisting of three Assistant Deputy Ministers).
To appeal a decision, a notice of appeal must be filed with the SDAB through the KID Development Officer.
Assessment Review Board
Established through Parts 11 and 12 of the Municipal Government Act, the Assessment Review Board considers appeals by ratepayers that feel their assessments are inappropriate or unfair. While the Board cannot set or change tax rates, it can ask the assessor to make changes to assessments it feels are inappropriate. Appellants that are unsatisfied with the decision of the Assessment Review Board may appeal to the Municipal Government Board, whose decisions are final. No Council representative currently appointed.
KID is represented in a broad range of regional boards and committees. The appointments listed below are effective as of October 18, 2024.
Bow Valley Regional Housing Board
Councillor Cowley
Marigold Library Board
Delegated to Kananaskis Improvement District Administration
Tourism Canmore Kananaskis Board
Subdivision and Development Authority
Councillor Cowley; Councillor Gnyp (Alternate)