Business Licences

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As of April 1, 2002, all businesses operating within the Kananaskis Improvement District are required under the Business Licence Order to apply for a business Licence and pay the appropriate fee. Business Licence fees allow the municipality to recover a portion of the costs associated with providing and maintaining municipal services which contribute to the efficient operation of all businesses within the municipality.

To obtain a Licence, please download and complete the form at the bottom of the page and send payment with the appropriate fee, as indicated below. Business Licences are valid for a calendar year and are to be renewed annually. We process applications promptly, but please allow at least two weeks for processing once payment is received.
New as of October 1st, 2024: KID Council passed an amendment to Schedule A, which now permits temporary licences to food truck vendors, retail exhibitors, and non-revenue generating marketing exhibitors at limited term special events. Temporary licences may be obtained for a maximum of three consecutive days, and will only be issued once per calendar year. For more information, the amendment can be found here.
If you require assistance determining the appropriate fee category for your business, please contact the Administration Office at 403-591-7774 or send a message to the KID Administration Office.

Resident businesses:
(a) Small business $115
(b) Regular business $230
(c) Major business $575
Non-resident businesses:
(a) Small business $198
(b) Regular business $632.50
(c) Major business $1,617
Not-for-profit businesses: $100
Temporary Licence: $30 per day up to three consecutive days 
Other fees:
Duplicate Licence:  $50
Transfer:  $100
Appeal:  $100
Rush:  10% of Licence fee

Do businesses that provide their own garbage removal, water supply and sewage removal or emergency medical aid require a business Licence?

Yes, these are just examples of some municipal services. The business Licence fees allow for cost recovery of many municipal services, whether or not they are used by every business operating in Kananaskis Improvement District.

Are other permits required before the business Licence?

Yes, other permits are required before, or concurrent with, obtaining a business Licence. The business Licence is relatively easy to obtain and can be issued in short order if the applicant can provide the information required and pay the appropriate fee. A condition of the business Licences under the Business Licence Order is to obtain any and all other necessary permits required by law in the Province of Alberta.

Do production companies and large oil companies need to have all their contractors and subcontractors obtain business Licences as well?

Only contractors or subcontractors that operate on a regular basis in the Kananaskis Improvement District require a separate business Licence. If a company is conducting a specific activity and uses contractors or subcontractors, then they may fall under the provisions of a "Special Business Licence”. In this case, only one Licence is required to cover the event or activity.

Do caregivers at the William Watson Lodge require a separate business Licence?

If caregivers are a business or are employees of an agency or organization that provides this type of service in Kananaskis Country on a regular basis, then the business, agency or organization would require a business Licence. Private caregivers accompanying individuals to the Lodge or who are on an outing to Kananaskis Country on an irregular basis do not require a business Licence.

If a business Licence is revoked or refused, will other licensing bodies be informed accordingly?

Only under extreme circumstances would a business Licence be revoked or refused. Administration will make all efforts possible to inform other government agencies that have an interest in Kananaskis Country.

How are the Improvement District’s business Licence requirements enforced?

The Improvement District advises businesses of business Licence requirements on the website, by mail, and through public notices advertised in local papers. If conservation officers conducting routine checks or inspections for appropriate permits find an organization deficient in this respect, they may then advise the individual of the Improvement District’s business licensing requirements and inform KID administration of the deficiency.
What is Alberta Environment and Parks' role in enforcing the Business Licence Order?

Alberta Environment and Parks is asked to advise applicants of the regular permitting process and of the requirement for businesses to obtain a Licence to operate in the KID. Applicants can be referred to KID administration for clarification on business Licence procedures and policies.

Are the conditions imposed on business Licences coordinated with the permitting process managed by Alberta Environment and Parks?

A copy of a business Licence issued by the KID is required by Alberta Environment and Parks during the permit application process.
How do businesses, such as outfitters operating at several locations in the KID, display their business Licences?

Businesses operating in several remote locations may carry photocopies of the appropriate business Licence with them.
Do weddings, or those that conduct weddings, require a business Licence?

An agency or organization that provides wedding services (including photography) in the KID to customers requires a business Licence. Guests at a ceremony or photography session for a wedding do not require a business Licence.
Are there any exemptions from business licence fees?
Provincial legislation and regulations allow for certain professions, trades and businesses to be exempt from municipal licensing fees. Businesses that fall under this exemption policy are still required to submit an application for a Business Licence, but will not be required to pay any licensing fees. To determine if you qualify for an exemption, consult with your designated professional association or governing Act.